Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Surgery #23 Scheduled

Oh the strength it takes to wait. I heard word from my doctor and he can't get me into the OR until August 20th. That's a whole month away!! I was really hoping for 2 weeks from now. So I'm having a hard time being patient with this one cause usually I get scheduled pretty quick. And my neck and lip are just getting worse. So to have to live with this for another month is killing me both physically and emotionally and testing my patience.

It takes such incredible strength to have patience and I'm not sure I have that kind of strength. I try. oh boy do I ever try. But I don't know how successful I really am. My days pass but with little patience. This causes for a lot of tension at home sometimes. You'd think that after 2 1/2 years of this I'd have all the patience in the world, but I don't. I've been waiting for this next neck surgery and to have to wait for a whole 'nother month kills me inside because this surgery means no more contractures in my neck which also means greater mobility and well, looking better physically. Am I the only one whose skin crawls just thinking about waiting out that month? Oh patience, please come to me.

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