Friday, March 18, 2011

Third Year Anniversary Party

Yesterday was my 3rd year anniversary of my accident as I talked about in my last blog post. I woke up in the morning immediately thinking about it because it happened at 1am so when I awoke, I was thinking, just a few hours ago, I was on fire, paramedics were at my house trying to intebate me but couldn't. I was burned so bad that I had to be life flighted out to Portland and the paramedics had to pump air into my lungs by hand the whole way, which is nearly impossible to keep someone alive that way. I nearly died on that flight. Then I nearly died on the operating table. So by the time I woke up yesterday morning I was by then through the first of many surgeries and in a coma, in the ICU in critical condition three years ago.

As the day progressed, I began to feel more and more depressed, upset. I was just thinking that three years ago, my family could have been going to go visit my grave, place flowers on the grave site perhaps and maybe say a prayer. This is what penetrated my thoughts all day long yesterday. That is until 6:30 rolled around and the party started. A party that was set up by two of my absolute dearest friends to celebrate my survival, my life. And so many people came. It was absolutely wonderful. I just couldn't comprehend that they were all there for me. Toasts were made...and so were great homemade buttons that everyone wore. One button said "SBW3" for Sarahbeth Watterson 3 years and the second button, which I have to say was the best, was "FYF" which stood for Fuck You Fire. Ha ha ha!! I wore both :)

Instead of a night full of moping around, my friends helped me get through it with toasts to me and loads of laughter. So much fun and laughter that my face hurt from smiling and laughing. I am so blessed to have the friends that I have to have done something so wonderful for me last night. But I also must not forget my family either. They may not have been there last night but they have been there every step of the way. I may not have been lucky in life, but I have been lucky to have the friends and family that I have. Thank you so much to everyone in my life that has given me love and support through all of this. I would not have made it without each and everyone of you. I love you all. Here's to another year....

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