I know I haven't written in awhile but it's because I have fallen into a deep depression and I haven't known what to say, or even felt like writing. I haven't felt like a lot of things are worth doing lately so I've been pretty depressed, as I said. But I went to church yesterday for Easter but I didn't go because I believe in God or even Jesus Christ because to be honest with you, I'm so angry at God that I have lost a lot of faith and belief in a higher power. I went because one of my dearest friends, Clay, who is also the Pastor at my church, asked me to go. I couldn't deny him. So my mother and I went and it was the first time I'd set foot inside a church in months. Clay's wife sat by me as well, which was nice. So good to see her, by the way. But, Clay's sermon was beautiful and the music was beautiful. Throughout most of the hour, I just sat there and stared at the great wooden cross that hangs behind the pulpit and I couldn't stop the tears from flowing down my cheeks. I kept thinking to myself, as I stared at that cross, "Why? Why God? I am here! Please answer me!" But I couldn't hear any answer, I couldn't feel any answer. But I continued to stare at the cross, tears continuing to fall down my cheeks.
And then Clay gave a most wonderful sermon that made me cry even more. I felt like he was talking directly to me with the subject matter of his sermon. I went through four Kleenexes during that hour of church and went through so many emotions. I didn't come across some epiphany that made me believe in God again but I did feel like I was spoken to by someone who serves God. Maybe, when I was staring at the cross and asking why, I was answered by my Pastor who serves God, if there is one.
I am still very angry, very depressed, and feel very alone. But I think going to church on Easter Sunday was good for me. Thank you, Clay for making me go.
Sarah, I am so glad you went! I am glad you have so many friends that love and care for you! There is a God and hope that he reveals Himself to you! He is standing by you--just believe!!!
Hey Lady,
I totally believe God was speaking to you through Clay. God does things like that! Thinking about, praying for you and hoping that life will bring you hope and joy in the near future! Miss talking to you!
Heidi Larson
Hey my girl my girl...!!
I'm glad to hear that you went. None of us can imagine the daily angst that you feel, the constant trying of your patience that your healing won't progress any faster nor the ever present "WHY ME" that echos in your head. God is present, he really is. His are the sole footsteps in the sand from when he carried you through the toughest times. You are walking beside him now and trying your legs out and asking questions of him. That is good too. He is a great listener. You can't offend him, he will always forgive. He will always love you. He will always be willing to carry you when you need him. All you need to do is ask.
Keep fighting the fight. There are so many of us connected to you and sending you healing thoughts and positive energy. You are strong despite your feeling weak and dejected at times. You can't fight the fight all the time, it will come in waves. You're not built to do this on your own. God is there to aid in strengthening you. Just allow him to help you find one glimmer of something positive. One smile that crosses your face, one hopeful thought, one pretty flower that you recognize, one sunrise that catches your eye.... That's God way of being there for you; reminding you that there is good and each breath is a blessing.
Let your soul be comforted by his little ways of encouragement. Just like right now.... You feel a little better now don't you? I love you my girl my girl. Hang in there. xoxoxo
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