Friday, August 24, 2012

My Second Jack White Concert This Year

Last week I got the chance to see Jack White in concert for the second time on this particular tour.  And it rocked.  I ended up going with my mom but it went great.  Even though she's not as familiar with his music and the lyrics as she is with other music, she had a good time and I really enjoyed it.  The greatest thing was there were many of the same songs performed but it was a completely different show than the one I saw in Eugene.  And in Eugene he left right after the concert to head out to California so we didn't get an encore but this time, after much yelling and screaming from the audience, he came out for a four song encore ending the whole show with the song, "Portland, Oregon."  It was a perfect way to end a killer show.  I feel very lucky that I got the opportunity to see him twice in one year, on one tour.  He was even so cool as to do a spontaneous afternoon show in a Portland city laundromat, which I was unfortunate to not get to see because I was in the car on the road traveling over at that time.  But that's just so awesome of him to do.  I still often think about the personal video message he sent me and it always puts a smile on my face.  You're the best Jack.  You're the best.

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