As many of my friends on FB know, I had a little fun with someone who did the Twelve Days of Christmas for me. Twelve days before Christmas it started. There was a knock at the door and it was around 8:30pm. My parents and I looked at each other like, "who could be coming here at this hour?" So, of course all the dogs were in a tizzy but I got up to go to the door and no one was there but something was sitting on the edge of my front porch and at first I didn't know what to make of it...
Day 1:
"Now in the song, it's partridge and pear--
When I looked, my tears were all bare!
So I ran to the store at a hurried pace,
Pears they had plenty, but no birds in the place!"
(of course the basket was FULL of pears but by the time I had the notion to take pictures of everything, we had eaten quite a few already...oops)
I smiled all night because it was just so sweet and clever. I also analyzed it all night and every night after that. I looked at the handwriting and thought I recognized it clear as day but that person usually calls me Sarahbeth or SB so why did they write "Sarah" on there? Most of my friends call me Sarahbeth or SB but this one didn't so maybe it wasn't who I was thinking of OR they just didn't have enough room for the full Sarahbeth. But then why didn't they write "SB?" It's shortest of all. My forensic brain was hard at work to figure out who this was.
The second day it came around the same time and I was wondering if it would continue and then there was a knock at the door. I got up and peeked through the front door window. No one there but I could see something small sitting on the front porch. YAY!! Another surprise!!
Day 2.
"Did you know two turtledoves
Are extremely hard to find?
So here are 'Turtles 'n Dove' --
The chocolate candy kind."
The third night I knew for sure something was coming cause now I knew from the numbers on the tags that they would continue all the way to twelve. But the handwriting had changed slightly but I was still sure of my culprit :)
Day 3.
"Hens are chickens
If they are French or not!
Here is chicken soup
To heat in the pot."
This was getting fun. And I was in anticipation every night starting around 8:00 cause they usually came somewhere between then and 9:00pm.
Day 4.
"The calling birds have all flown away.
They're visiting the South to see the view.
Instead of a call they left these few things---
Some pencils and paper--their gift to you."
I am loving this game. What were they gonna do for "Five Golden Rings?"...
Day 5.
"Only five golden rings?
There really are more
Of gold pineapple rings
I got from the store!"
My forensic brain was hard at work again because the pineapple slices they got were "no sugar added" so I'm thinking, this person knows me well enough to get me diabetic-friendly pineapple slices. It's definitely the person I'm thinking of. Or did they grab it by chance? So what's next? Oh yeah, six geese a-laying. So, what, they gonna give me some eggs?
Day 6.
"Six geese a-laying some eggs quite unique.
I looked at them close and what do you think?
They are made of white chocolate candy!
Here are six for you, isn't that dandy?"
How. Fucking. Clever. Seriously!! Whoever was doing this was pretty damn creative and I think I got the biggest kick out of this one. They were most delicious. This was just too much fun. Every night I had a smile on my face and my parents and I would brainstorm to figure out what they would do for the next one and try to figure out who it was that was bringing such joy into my evenings. Then, that familiar knock on the door....
Day 7.
"The seven swans were swimming and having such fun,
that when I called them, they wouldn't come out, not one!
I called until my face, it turned blue,
So instead we made a pampering jar just for you."
Seriously, what a delight to have a friend like this, whoever they were. Inside the jar was a pair of really soft socks, Cocoa Butter hand and body lotion, Burt's Bees chapstick, some Gold's lotion, gum and a few candy's. We thought we knew exactly what the next one was gonna be. With eight maids a-milking we thought for sure it would be some milk and cookies. We were wrong. It was much more creative than that...
Day 8.
"The maids were all milking,
the cows were in a fog.
So instead of milk this year,
You get 'Egg Nog'."
WHO WAS THIS PERSON?!!! I thought for sure they would leave their name with the last one so I just had to be patient a few more days. And did I like egg nog? I wasn't sure. So I tried some and it turns out, I do! It seemed like they were getting harder and harder but this person still continued to throw me with what they did for the next piece of the song! I mean, what are you gonna do for nine ladies dancing and ten lords a-leapin?? But this person was creative and they came up with the cleverest and most creative ideas...
Day 9.
"Nine ladies dancing was a beautiful sight,
I applauded so loud, it gave them a fright!
So sit back, and kick up your feet,
We hope this gift will be a fun treat!"
Foot massager slippers and foot scrub and foot lotion!! A few back, we started to notice they always said, "we" so we figured this person must have a family. Well who I was thinking of had a family, but I was dead wrong about them cause they left for Christmas!! So now, my forensic brain is working even harder to figure out who it could be. My mother said a name, and I said, "that's gotta be it!" But I still wasn't 100% sure...
Day 10.
"Ten Lords were leaping, leaving behind,
A mug, hot chocolate and itunes for you to find!"
Wow!! The itunes I have used by now and the hot chocolate as well. I had a cup that night. Thank you!
Day 11.
"As beautiful as the sound of 11 pipers piping may be,
This will make a piping hot pizza, to you from me!"
How clever!! Notice the number "11" made with pepperoni in the middle? And they left us Root Beer with it as well! This one came really early for us to have it for dinner!! One more and I was gonna fine out who it was...
Day 12.
"Twelve drummers drumming each on their own drum.
That's the end of the song - Aren't you wondering who it's from?
Here is your drum with popcorn as full as can be.
It's for wishing Merry Christmas to you from me!"
THEY DIDN'T SAY WHO IT WAS!!! I was in shock! Why wouldn't they say who it's from?!! I went on Facebook and pleaded for this person to tell me and if they didn't want people to know they could private message me or email me but I needed to know so I could thank them from the bottom of my heart!! Well, no response.
Until Saturday, Christmas Eve I was upstairs with one of my brothers helping him wrap some gifts when I hear the dogs all barking (which is usually a sign that someone's at the door). I wondered who it was but I didn't hear my name so I continued on with what I was doing. Then my oldest brother's wife came upstairs cause our company was for me!! And it was Sharae Hildebrandt, her guy, her three little ones and her mother whom I know well, Penny Mackay. This was one of the people we suspected but not the first so she had us fooled. It was so good to see them so I could give them the biggest hug and tell them how much it meant to me to have someone put so much time and effort into something just for me. To tell them what joy it brought into my life for those twelve days. Thank you, all of you. You are all angels and how precious it was to me. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.
And with their visit, they brought us a pie and the poem of the Twelve Days of Christmas...slightly altered just for me...
It Reads:
'Twas the night before Christmas, when all through the house
Not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse.
The stockings were hung by the chimney with care,
In hopes that St. Nicholas soon would be there.
Sarah was nestled all snug in her bed,
While visions of her and Jack White danced in her head.
And mamma in her 'kerchief, and pa in his cap,
Had just settled down for a long winter's nap,
When out on the porch there arose such a clatter,
Sarah sprang from the bed to see what was the matter.
Away to the door she flew like a flash,
Tore open the locks and threw up the latch.
When what to her wondering eyes should appear,
But a friend delivering gifts for you, my dear.
With little elf helpers, so lively and quick,
Sarah thought for a moment it must be St. Nick.
Our Heavently Father sent you His Son,
That's more precious than gold to everyone.
Oh how hard these trials are on your road,
And for 12 days we're happy to help lighten your load.
We think of you often, but don't know what to do,
So we got you a few gifts, to show our love for you.
He sent us His angels to keep Christ in our sight,
So Merry Christmas to you all, and to all a good night!"
Your 12 Days of Christmas Elves
Sharae, Devin, Ashlyn, & Blake Hildebrandt and Penny Mackay