Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Amazon Wishlist

A little less than a year ago, I confided in a dear friend that me and my family were struggling with out of pocket medical supply costs for things the insurance wouldn't cover.  So she suggested to me to create an Amazon Wishlist.  This was something that I was unfamiliar with.  I didn't know you could do such a thing.  But I still didn't really want to do it because I didn't like advertising help and asking for help, especially when people were having a hard time with the economy with their own problems.  But my friend pushed and I conceded.  And it took off like a rocket.  I was so amazed at how people were willing and able to help out!  It was wonderful!  

Later, though, things cooled down and then as I was in a break between surgeries, things completely cooled off.  Which was fine.  Our wound care was not as extensive and I was doing OK in my recovery.  But we are getting back into the swing of things with wound care since I just had two surgeries and we're probably going to be back into the swing of surgeries again.  So I'm breaking out the Wishlist again and kindly asking people to help us out with medical supplies as well as things to help keep me busy with my recovery.  I don't have a lot of money being on disability so getting help with those non medical supply items really helps a lot too because otherwise I'm just laid up with nothing to do, nothing to keep me busy, and nothing to help pass the time.  I'm not just asking for movies and puzzles and whatnot to be greedy so I don't have to buy it myself.  I'm asking for them because I don't have the money to buy it myself and it really does make a difference in my recovery.  Otherwise I'm just sitting in a chair or in bed, with my leg up (cause that's usually where my donor site is), in pain, and watching TV mindlessly.  As for the medical supplies, well they speak for themselves as to why we need them.  

So if you can help, it is so greatly appreciated.  Every little bit counts.  And if you can't help, that's OK too.  I understand.  But I want people to be aware of it and keep it in mind so if you can help now, that's wonderful but if you can't help now, maybe you can later when you're in a better position to do so.  Thank you for listening and for any help you may be able to give.  Thank you from the bottom of my heart.  Click Here to go straight to my Amazon Wishlist or you may go to, click on wishlist and enter my email address ( to get to my Wishlist.  Thank you again.

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