Monday, February 15, 2010

Dying of Boredom and Irritiability

How do I fight these feelings of irritability, annoyance, boredom, anger? I am having them all right now and I just don't know how to deal with them. I get cranky and awful to be around. I don't know what to do to occupy my time.

I laid on my bed in my room for a good hour just staring at the wall, fuming with anger and boredom. I have nothing to do. I used to be a big runner and I'd go running right now if I could but I can't. I read almost every hour of the day so sometimes I get sick of reading as well as cross stitching, which I do just as much as reading. I take my dog for walks, not as much as I should or could but I do. And all my scrapbooking is up to date so there's nothing I can do there. But when I get like this I am just so irritable that I can't do anything!

I hate it. I hate this feeling! How do I shake it?


Unknown said...

You can always call me. Seriously! I love playing games like Monopoly (the card game), or Phase 10, or chess.

I also love to get in the car and head up the Grande Ronde River past Hilgard Park to look for wildlife to photograph. But sometimes I drive up the river toward Camp Elkanah just to enjoy the scenery.

I get in the same funk you do sometimes, especially in the winter. It would be great to have someone to share these things with. So if any of this sounds like fun CALL me! I'm in the phone book.

David said...

i'm sorry sarah. i know the feeling and it really sucks. i wish i could offer some solutions, cause i really hate being like that. i hope that it doesn't last long.