Saturday, March 20, 2010

Best Friend Running Half Marathon In My Honor

I met my lifelong best friend 22 years ago in the first grade and I can still remember to this day how we met. We were on the gymanstic bars and I was doing moves to try to impress her and strike up a conversation. I know, dorky right? Well, the rest is history. But we lost contact for a long time after high school but then she came to my aid when she found out about my accident and we reunited and have continued to stay in close contact ever since.

The reason why I am writing about her is not only is she a beautiful human being and one of my best friends (my first friend as well), but she is running a half marathon tomorrow in my honor. And apparently she made up some t-shirt for it. She promised me pics so I could see what she did. But how amazing is that? It may not seem like much to some people, but it's a huge deal for me and I love her so much and I feel so very, very honored.

So thank you Corrie, for thinking to do this for me. What a self-less thing to do and how precious to me. She is one of those true, real friends I have talked about in a previous blog and I am so lucky to have her in my life. I love you Corrie. I love you dearly and with all my heart.

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