Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Making My Story

I had a little tiny breakthrough in therapy so I had to write about it.

My therapist asked, if they were to make my life into a movie, what kind of message would I want to get across? That I arose from the ashes to be successful and happy? Well what am I going to do right now, in these chapters of my life, to rise from the ashes; to rise from adversity and find success and happiness against all odds?

So what am I going to do, right now, to make that story? The biggest thing I need to do right now is get a social life back. I can't sit around in my house all the time and expect my story to write itself and magically come alive. I must come alive first and I'm dead right now. There have been times when I have been very much alive, like when I'm spending an evening with friends. But I must be consistent. I must write my story and to write my story I must live it.

I want my story to show how I survived the odds and rose from the ashes to be successful and happy. So I must live that. GET A LIFE SARAHBETH!

My therapist also asked me what it is I see when I look in the mirror. I told her I see an ugly girl, a girl who's lost everything. She said that I've gotta switch those tapes in my head if I'm going to rise from the ashes. That, and probably through tears, I must look in the mirror and say "You ARE beautiful, you are a kick-ass actress." That's probably going to take me awhile, switching those tapes. But I'm gonna give 'er a go.

So tonight, I am going to start my story by going over to a friend's house to watch a movie and tomorrow I'm gonna do something else to tell my story. Perhaps I will try telling myself those things in the mirror. yeah, that might be a good start to a book or a movie, but most importantly, to my life. What must I do NOW to make my story successful 5 years from now?

Rise from the ashes.....against all odds...

1 comment:

Unknown said...

What I find most interesting in your blogging is that I personally relate to so many of the things you are learning. I repeatedly ask myself the very things you ask here in your blog; things to better your life. Today's blog was no exception. What am I doing TODAY to reach the goal I have for tomorrow? What a great question!

So I ask myself what I want in life five years from now. I want to be an example to all those I touch that God has the answers to the most complex questions, and gives peace in the most difficult of circumstances. There's so much pain in this world. So much sorrow. Yet God can show us the way to abundant life.

To reach this goal my faith must deepen. I must get into God's Word more deeply. My prayer life should be a priority. I should learn to never hesitate to share with others the miracles God has produced in my life. And, like you Sarah, fellowship with others needs to be a priority.

Thanks for giving me these words to ponder in my own life.