Thursday, December 24, 2009

Your Comments

I just want to say real quick and very shortly that I thank those of you who read and leave comments on my blog so much. It means a lot to me and I get very excited when I see that someone has left a comment about one of my posts. That means that that post meant enough to that person to leave a comment for me. I really have to thank you so much to those of you who read my blog because I am doing it for a reason and I'm really exposing myself so I need people who understand and are supportive of what i'm going through and what I write. I only hope that more of you leave comments for me so I know what you're thinking when you read a post.

I hope more of you become a follower of my blog and leave comments for me. Thank you even to those of you who have not become a follower and just read. But without you becoming a follower I don't know who is reading and who to thank but it is not necessary. Just thank you for reading and for those of you who have left comments.

A special thanks to Sharae Hildebrandt and April VanTassell who leave the most comments. I truly appreciate it and I know you keep up with my blog so thank you so much.


Sharae said...

You are very welcome! But I think that really we should be the ones to thank you for posting your most personal feelings and experiences. I am amazed each and every time you write about something. Your strength you have is an inspiration to us all. Thank you for sharing with all of us!....and please keep posting :)

Unknown said...

I second what Sharae says! You inspire me to keep writing my book on the goodness of God during the trials of my life. Keep on blogging, Sarah!

Amanda Lightfoot said...

I'll be commenting more now. I'd been shy about it because I didn't want to interrupt you! I check in OFTEN to see what you've written, and I'm always touched by your words.

Barbara said...

I wanted to say that I've found your blog just by chance... I think it was a matter of destiny! And I think you should never, ever, give up your dreams! Sky is the limit ;) And the reason you survived that terrible accident is because there is a big purpose for your life. You're beautiful, don't forget it! Know that a girl from Argentina will be praying for you :) Hugs!