Monday, May 31, 2010

Thank You to my FB friends and my followers

As many of you know, I have been posting pictures of my burns and grafts and scars. I don't know what brought it on other than I suddenly felt the need to give people a better idea of what I was talking about when I talked about it or posted something about it and the pain that I go through everyday. I have to admit, I was scared out of my mind to post those pics and still get scared everytime I post a pic but I am finding it necessary for those reasons I listed above.

But I seem to be getting very positive responses and a lot of support, which has relieved me and give me courage to keep fighting. For awhile there, I was losing reason to fight. In fact, I still find it hard to fight but your responses have helped give me reasons to keep fighting everyday. I had begun to lose that fight in me and want to just give up but your support has been so tremendous that I feel has though you have re-energized the fight I know I have in me, or I wouldn't be where I am today, let alone alive.

There are so many days I just want to give up but then I think about the responses and posts I have gotten by posting those pics your incredible support that I feel like I will let you down if I just lie down and give up. You have given me reason to go see my friends and get out in the community. It is because of you that I have been going out to see more of my friends and get out of the safety of my home more often. So I want to say Thank You. You have plugged me in and recharged me, given me my fight back; given me reason to try and be braver. My family has also helped me TREMENDOUSLY, but it is my friends on FB and my followers here that have pushed me a little farther to show myself, go beyond my comfort zone and I have gotten nothing but support in return. Thank you for that.


Unknown said...

Those photos are precious reminders to US as well as you on how far you've progressed. I'm not just referring to your physical rehabilitation. Primarily I'm talking about the change in attitude that has taken place in order for you to put these photos "out there" for all to see.

It takes courage to expose yourself, literally and figuratively. AND it also takes a good dose of self-esteem. Could you have done this a year ago? Probably not.

Thank you for also sharing how close you've been to simply giving up on life. Feelings are never wrong. It's what we do with those feelings that can get us into trouble. Giving a voice to negative feelings makes it easier to deal with them in a positive way. Getting out of the house and socializing are terrific ways to manage the stress of constant physical pain. Keep it up!

Don't give up, Sarah. We love you!

Emily Thomas said...

"You have plugged me in and recharged me." I love that. You are amazing Sarah!

MikeL said...

Just kind of reading some of your older posts as today is Aug 13, 2011. I liked how at this time you were recharged and going in a good direction. I hope you can recapture some of that so you can keep the fight going. Within just a few weeks time you have got your corrected diploma, you will have an article about your story published in a magazine and you are going to be going to The World Burn Congress. So many awesome things that are happening! I know it's not possible to always stay recharged and plugged in.. In fact it's impossible. But I think it's going to be that one moment or instant where things really do change. Not like an overnight change but something profound happens maybe. Who knows.. maybe it will be at the WBC or maybe it will be after one of your neck surgeries.. or maybe at a grocery store..maybe after your article is published. Something will change it all where your emotional state will be lifted to a better place :)