Wednesday, July 7, 2010

One Damn Day At A Time

Can I just express how much I hate the phrase "take it one day at a time,"? So many people tell me that and I just boil inside when I hear it because that phrase may seem to always be the right thing to say but once you've been in shoes like mine, it means shit. It's so hard to "take it one day at a time." So to have people constantly telling me to do so drives me crazy cause I just want to yell at them, "you take it one damn day at a time when you've been burned, scarred, disfigured and gone through 21 surgeries only to face and endure more in the future! Now step in my fucking shoes and you tell me that you can take it one day at a time when all you want is to get out on your own again and take care of yourself like your perfect brothers and most of all be done with all of this!"

I constantly look at my current situation and look at what I used to have and what I wish I could have in the future. Taking it one day at a time is a terrible thing to say to someone no matter how comforting you think it is, at least to me. I've now been living at home at 28 years old for over 2 years and though I love my family with all my heart, there is something about being able to live on your own and take care of yourself and I look at my future and all I see is surgery and doctor appointments and still living at home when I turn 30. I can't take it one day at a time so don't tell me to. It's especially hard to do so when your faith is being tested. Maybe if I had more faith in God, taking it one day at a time might be easier. Or maybe if I had someone it would be easier to do so. But it's just me, living at home at 28 and facing x amount more years of being at home as an adult and alone.

So word to the wise, don't tell me to take it one day at a time because in my shoes, it's impossible for me right now. I can't stop crying over the past and future yet. So tell me something more original.

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