Thursday, October 7, 2010

My "Anam Cara" Corrie

I have a REAL, TRUE BEST FRIEND in all the sense and she wrote me an email this morning that really touched me and of course, made me cry. But she said some very profound things that I wanted to share with you. Her name is Corrie and we have been best friends for 22 years, since the 1st grade. We lost touch for awhile, however, and unfortunately, but we are making up for it now and I hope for the rest of our lives. She is a beautiful human being inside and out and you'll see that in the words she wrote to me. Here is her email:

"SB, for some reason, I've not been able to post comments on your blog but I just caught myself up on it and I wanted to tell you that I am so proud of you. You are doing an amazing job and your words are so healthy. Even the angry ones. I think you are absolutely doing the right thing by finishing your Psychology degree. And even by considering the burn nursing. Because what you have, my dear, is a voice. You don't pretend like everyday is easy and you are humming your way through the pain. You are real. You thank the Lord and you question him. Both are very real feelings that you could absolutely share with others that are struggling with physical pain as well as mental/emotional pain. Whether you are counseling someone, or physically helping them with their injuries, you would be perfect. And this doesn't mean that you'll never get back on that stage again. Who says you can't have two dreams??? :) Trust me, there are days when I wonder why in the heck I joined the military. It makes me move away from family and friends, and I don't get to express myself creatively. (one of the problems with a military of individuals) My true passion is with decorating and with fitness. I've gained ten pounds since being in Seattle because my job makes it hard to get in a routine. But I can only take one day at a time and try to do my job well and proudly. And then do what I can, when I can with my other dreams. You've got a long life ahead of you sweetie. Don't give up on any of your dreams. I love you more than anything and can't wait to see you again. I pray that God eases your pain each day and you feel the love that is pouring towards you from all of your friends, family, and followers. If nothing else helps you today...I hope knowing that you are my ultimate inspiration does. You help me each and every day, my friend. Thank you.

Love, Corrie (Your Besty)"

Both her and I wear rings that read, "Anam Cara" which means, "soul friend." She is truly my soul friend and her email this morning really helped me get through my day today because i knew it was gonna be a hard one after the night i had with no sleep whatsoever. She is truly an amazing human being and I'm so lucky to just even know her, let alone be her best friend. She says that I am an inspiration to her and that still brings tears to my eyes because that is my aim with telling you all my hurts, pains, anger, and sometimes the happy times in my life exposed here on this blog. But she inspires me in return. That is one of the reasons why we make such a good pair: We inspire each other. I hope I inspire you other readers and followers as well otherwise I'm not achieving my goal with this blog.

Corrie, thank you for that beautiful email this morning. It got me through my day and it made me realize that it may be possible for me to hold on to my acting dream. I love you Corrie and I miss you everyday.

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