Monday, October 4, 2010


Well, it's official! My mother faxed in a re-admission form to EOU this morning to go back to school to finish my Bachelor of Science in Psychology! Oh boy, I'm scared. My advisor, Ken Bush, is going to email me how many and what kind of credits I need to get in order to finish this up so I'm waiting on that now. I have put in on the form to start in the winter so I'm pretty nervous cause that's coming on. Of course, I'm going to do this all online, as long as the courses that I need are offered online.

So I am trying to move forward in my "what now" part of my life. I think that's really healthy and important for my psyche; to focus on the "what now" and try to push past the "why me" for awhile. However, I don't think I am ready to move on from "why me" because I am still upset with God for what has happened and don't understand why it happened but at least I can focus on something else for a little while and feel like I'm moving my feet forward. Key words: "a little while." I'm sorry but I'm afraid wondering "why me" will stay with me for quite some time. But at least I have taken action on the "what now."

I can't wait to tell you what classes I'm going to have to take! I hope this is the right thing to do right now. Actually, I feel it in my heart that it is, but am I really ready? I sure hope so cause the motions are set in place.


jmee2 said...

You are ready, friend! And "we got your back"! :) Good job, Sarahbeth! I am so proud of you for making that must have been a hard one! Go, you! :)

Amanda said...

Woo! This is fantastic! You can so, so do it.